You love the art of photography. Check. You love the display your photography. Check. You love the opportunity your photography hobby offers. Check. You are the perfect candidate for a free photography website design. As a photographer, you know when something looks good. And, you know how you want to capture a mood or a feeling. Using those instinctual and creative elements, you can create a exceptional photography website design.
Here's a list must have items for good photography website design:
1. An Intriguing Home Page. This home page is like the start of a blind date. The viewer isn't really sure if they want to dig deeper into knowing about you or about your skill. So, the home page has to be dressed for the occasion. First impressions are everything! Use your photography skills to capture a moment that will evoke an emotional response. You want the viewer to be impressed enough to want to keep looking. A logo is an absolute necessity! Without it, you have gone on the blind date and forgotten to brush your hair!
2. Create Easy Navigation: Whether you prefer a horizontal or vertical navigation area is not really that important. What is most important is can someone find what they would want to see? For example, if they want to contact you, did you make it easy for them to contact you? Your navigational elements should do that for you with ease. Use commonly terminology for pages like About, Contact, Gallery, Portfolio, Services. If your navigational name sounds weird, chances are your visitor is going to just stay away from it.
3. Share Meaningful Content: To be too quirky or too abstract is distracting and doesn't offer your viewer any real content about you as a photographer. To go back to the analogy of a blind date, giving obscure and non-meaningful content would be like telling an inside joke that your blind date doesn't know about. Sure, it works when you have been dating a while and you both "get it", but for a first timer, it just sounds weird. In order to avoid that "awkwardness", still to content that is truthful and has substance. For instance, if you have won any awards, you want to tastefully display your achievements. If you have a long list of loyal customers, you want to show them as resources that add to your credibility. Be sure to get permission from your previous clients if you are using images from their place of business or event.
4. Be Organized: Being a photography website, your focus is to have a portfolio of your best photos neatly arranged in different categories. Add descriptions that showcase your work professionally while taking care hitting your objectives. Allow white spaces and use visual elements wisely to lend a professional feel to the pages. The images should showcase your talents and the user should be able to browse them easily. Boast about the diversity of your skills but be specific about the projects that you do. For example, you may have a section under each of these: Nature, Corporate branding, Models, or 40th Bithday Party. Adding testimonials adds to your credibility and builds trust.
5. Ask for An Action: Remember to add the 'Call to action' button prominently in your pages if you want your site visitors to 'Request Quote' or 'View portfolio'. And, the contact form must be simple and concise.
6. Keep Connected: Photography website design is not about someone to visit you just once. You want to engage them in a way that is personal and relevant. Using social networking Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, LinkedIn so that you may have a group of friends to share or discuss matters of interest, you can link up with other photographers and potential customers. Adding a blog is another good way to keep visitors knowing about what you are focused on and where your area of expertise lies.