There are people that would like to have a photography website but they feel as though it would take a lot to get one up and running. In the world of photography marketing it is easier than you may have thought. You can start out with not more than an internet connection, a computer, which you probably already have.
You can put up a simple web page on a free website to start out with. If you go this route you will be able to learn how to publish and market your work without spending a great deal of money. Once you know what is going on you can upgrade, which is something that I think you should do. Free websites are ok to start with but they can hold you back. The paid service can offer you quite a bit more as far as functions and dependability.
When you do decide to upgrade you will need to have a name for your website. This is referred to as your domain name. To have a good domain name is to have one that includes one or more of the keywords that your site is aimed towards. Considering that this name is basically your company name you will want to think of something that will catch the attention of people as well as the search engines.
When you are planning out your website you will need to think about what you want to say and who you want to say it to. It is best to be straight forward and speck in a natural way. Be clear on what your website has to offer. Remember that people like to buy from people so just be a person. If you understand the websites objective and who your audience is when you are designing your website you will be just fine.
If you are having trouble with the planning of the website you may want to check out other peoples websites that are related to the same subject as yours. This way you will be able to see what you like and also what you may not like. If you like a certain part of a website chances are that others will to.